Elementary Education
Our Elementary Curriculum is grounded in the Alberta Government's Programs of Studies. Your child's respective program of study identifies what students are expected to know and be able to do at each grade level. Please click here to access the appropriate Program of Studies to support your child's learning by knowing what they are expected to know and be able to do by the end of each school year.
Special Education
Special education refers to the education of students with mild, moderate, or severe disabilities and those who are gifted and talented. It is founded on the belief that all chidren can learn and reach their full potential given opprotunity, effective teaching and appropriate resources. Instruction, rather than setting, is the key to success and decisions related to the placement of students are best made on an individual basis in a manner that maximizes their opportunity to particpate fully in the experience of schooling.
-Ministerial Order (#15/2004) - Standards for Special Education (Alberta Education. 2004)